39 Steps (15 Jan 2008) Arnie Burton Charles Bayes
The 39 Steps is a farce adapted from the 1915 novel by John Buchan and the 1935 film by Alfred Hitchcock. Patrick Barlow wrote the adaptation, based on the original concept by Simon Corble and Nobby Dimon of a two-actor version of the play. Barlow had originally intended to portray the character of Richard Hannay, but focused solely on rewriting the original version. The play's concept calls for the entirety of the 1935 adventure film The 39 Steps to be performed with a cast of only four. One actor plays the hero, Richard Hannay, an actress plays the three women with whom he has romantic entanglements, and two other actors play every other character in the show: heroes, villains, men, women, children and even the occasional inanimate object. This often requires lightning fast quick changes and occasionally for them to play multiple characters at once. Thus the film's serious spy story is played mainly for laughs, and the script is full of allusions to (and puns on the titles of) other Alfred Hitchcock films, including Rear Window, Psycho and North by Northwest. This Playbill is from Jan 2008 Roundabout Theatre Company American Airlines Theatre NYC.
39 Steps Jan 2008 Playbill - American Airlines Theatre - Roundabout Theatre Company
Cast: Arnie Burton, Charles Edwards, Jennifer Ferrin, Cliff Saunders, Directed by Maria Aitkin
Run- Jan 15, 2008 - Jan 10, 2010
Condition: Used Good 8 out 10
Size 210 x 295 cm (Please Note scans are low res for fast loading)
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