Our online store respects your right to privacy under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and is required to comply with the national privacy principles in respect of the collection of personal information from individuals.
Whilst you browse our site we collect information about the pages that are being requested, the time and date of the request, and the browser type that made the request. This information is used to improve the ease of use of our Online Store and is in no way linked back to individual users.
When you use the search facility of our Online Store we collect information about what you were searching for. We use this information to evaluate ourselves in order to determine if we are providing the products that you may want. This information is used solely for evaluating our product groupings and categories and is in no way linked back to an individual.
When making a purchase from our Online Store (Theatregold.com Memorabilia) all your credit card information will be handled by PayPal no Credit Card Details will be stored or needed by TheatreGold.com
Delivery details this information is used to deliver these products to you.
This privacy policy applies solely to information collected on our website and may differ from the policies from other sites that you may link to from this site. We recommend that you read the privacy policy of any site that you link to from this site.
Disclosure of information
The information we collect from you is collected in the strictest confidence for the exclusive use of Theatregold.com. We will not sell or share this information with any third parties.